Always has developed an evaluation and screening process for
innovative ideas based, among others, on parameters such as
uniqueness and sustainability in the medium and long terms.
World-changing ideas are those that change the usual market
paradigms by:
Always evaluates companies I target based on several criteria such us, among others:
Once selected, start ups undergo a
preliminary study in order to determine the ideal path towards the
market and to quantify the risk capital needed to succeed.
At the end of the positive evaluation process, Always underwrites a
minority interest in the company (between 10% and 20%) providing
the start ups management with its expertise network in order to
boost the business development.
Copyright © 2014 Always srl - Sede Legale: Corso Galileo Ferraris 57 – 10128 TORINO - P.IVA 10723480017
Sede Operativa: Strada della Berlia, 500 - 10146 TORINO
Sito web realizzato da Stefano Bonelli